Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

15 Ergebnisse.


Marciano, Francesca / Santella, Valia / Golino, Valeria / Siti, Walter / Franchini, Giogiò / Tescari, Nicola / Calori, Carlotta / Cima, Francesca / Formisano, Gennaro / Giuliano, Nicola / Messere, Rocco / Prestieri, Viola / Pohárnok, Gergely / Scamarcio, Riccardo / Mastandrea, Valerio / Ferrari, Isabella / Cervi, Valentina / Trinca, Jasmine / Borgese, Francesco / Domenico, Giuseppe de / Forte, Iaia / Germani, Andrea
Matteo beobachtet die Welt von seinem Penthouse in Rom aus. Er ist erfolgreicher Unternehmer, schwul und Narzisst. Er liebt die Ablenkung durch Partys, Drogen, Sex und Körperkult. Sein älterer Bruder Ettore dagegen ist Lehrer und lebt noch immer im Heimatdorf. Er verbirgt seine persönlichen Misserfolge, seine Unzufriedenheit und seinen Mangel an Mut hinter einer Maske aus Ernüchterung und Sarkasmus. Als Ettore ein Krebsdiagnose bekommt, beschl...

CHF 17.90

Animal Spirit

Marciano, Francesca
Animal Spirit
Centered in Rome but transporting us into worlds as varied and alluring as they are emotionally real, Francesca Marciano's stories paint landscapes that are populated-vividly, hauntingly-by animals: from violent seagulls and starlings circling the evening sky in exhilarating formation to magical snakes and a tiny dog on the side of a deserted road. In unforgettable, cinematic frames, events unfold, especially in the lives of women. An affair e...

CHF 22.50

Animal Spirit: Stories

Marciano, Francesca
Animal Spirit: Stories
From the author of the acclaimed story collection The Other Language comes a fresh collection of six colorful, richly realized stories told with inimitable humor, exactitude, and heart.Centering us in Rome, but transporting us seamlessly into worlds as varied and exotic as they are emotionally real, these stories paint landscapes that are populated--vividly, hauntingly--by animals: from squawking, violent seagulls, to magical snakes, to a tiny...

CHF 36.90

Casa Rossa

Marciano, Francesca
Casa Rossa
Casa Rossa è appartenuta alla famiglia di Alina Strada per oltre settant'anni. E adesso tocca proprio a lei, ad Alina, chiuderla definitivamente, per lasciarla alla coppia australiana che ha deciso di acquistarla. Ma quella casa isolata, circondata da ulivi, che sorge nella campagna a sud di Lecce, non è un semplice edificio: è la storia stessa della famiglia Strada, una storia incominciata negli anni '30 con la nonna, la bellissima, sfuggente...

CHF 17.90

Isola grande, isola piccola

Marciano, Francesca / Lo Porto, T.
Isola grande, isola piccola
L'autrice di "Casa rossa" raccoglie qui nove racconti incandescenti, eleganti, spesso commoventi, che esplorano il cambiamento sia nelle relazioni che nella geografia, attraverso culture diverse, per rivelarci aspetti di noi stessi che non conoscevamo. Dalla Laguna di Venezia durante il Festival del cinema, dove una donna decide di comprare un abito di Chanel che non può assolutamente permettersi, a un piccolo villaggio greco bruciato dal sole...

CHF 25.50

Casa Rossa

Marciano, Francesca
Casa Rossa
A crumbling farmhouse in Puglia, Casa Rossa was bought by Alina Strada's grandfather at a time when no one else wanted it. Now busy preparing it for sale, Alina endeavors to recover the memories it still harbors—in particular of three women whose passions indelibly shaped her family's dark past. There's grandmother Renee, whose love of novelty won over everything else. Alina's mother, Alba, whose marriage to a screenwriter inspired both great ...

CHF 21.90

The Other Language

Marciano, Francesca
The Other Language
A teenage girl encounters the shocks of first love at the height of the summer holidays in Greece. A young filmmaker celebrates her first moment of recognition by impulsively buying a Chanel dress she can barely afford. Both halves of a longstanding couple fall in love with others and shed their marriage in the space of a morning. In all of these sparkling stories, characters take risks, confront fears, and step outside their boundaries into n...

CHF 22.50

La fine delle buone maniere

Marciano, Francesca
La fine delle buone maniere
Maria, una donna apparentemente fragile, preferisce fotografare cibi anziché persone. Suo malgrado, un'agenzia internazionale la sceglie per testimoniare le storie di donne afgane che tentano di sottrarsi ai matrimoni combinati dai loro padri-padroni. Partirà al fianco dell'inviata di guerra inglese di origine sudamericana Imo Glass, più smaliziata ed estroversa. Prima della partenza le due donne sono tenute a seguire un corso di addestramento...

CHF 27.90

The End of Manners

Marciano, Francesca
The End of Manners
Maria Galante and Imo Glass are on assignment in Afghanistan: outgoing Imo to interview girls who have attempted suicide to avoid forced marriage to older men, and shy, perfectionist Maria to photograph them. But in a culture in which women shroud their faces and suicide is a grave taboo, to photograph these women puts everyone in danger. Before the assignment is over, Maria is forced to decide if it's more important to succeed at her work -an...

CHF 25.90

Voces de cristal

Marciano, Francesca / González Rodríguez, Pilar
Voces de cristal
María Galante, fotógrafa profesional, e Imo Glass, prestigiosa escritora de origen venezolano, han decidido aunar esfuerzos para elaborar un reportaje acerca de la situación de la mujer afgana en el Kabul contemporáneo (tras la expulsión de los talibanes), una realidad, marcada todavía por la asfixiante represión, de acuciante actualidad tras los intentos de suicidio de varias mujeres para evitar los matrimonios concertados. Una historia conmo...

CHF 19.50

Rules of the Wild

Marciano, Francesca
Rules of the Wild
A mesmerizing novel of love and nostalgia set in the vast spaces of contemporary East Africa.Romantic, often resonantly ironic, moving and wise, Rules of the Wild transports us to a landscape of unsurpassed beauty even as it gives us a sharp-eyed portrait of a closely knit tribe of cultural outsiders: the expatriates living in Kenya today. Challenged by race, by class, and by a longing for home, here are "safari boys" and samaritans, reporters...

CHF 23.50